Athanasia Tsolka

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Collaborating Laboratory Members

PhD Candidate


Athanasia Tsolka is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Administrative, Economics & Social Sciences, University of West Attica.

For the last 8 years she has been working as a primary school teacher.

She received her Bachelor Degree in Primary Education from the Democritus University of Thrace and her Master’s Degree in Educational Management and Administration from the Harokopio University. Her PhD research aims to explore the theory and application of Nudge Theory and Behavioral Economics insights as a new tool to motivate primary school teachers more effectively. Her research interest lies in the Educational Management and Economics as well as the Behavioral Economics.

She has participated in international conferences and has been a reviewer for international scientific journals. Her published scientific work includes articles in Greek and international scientific journals, chapter in book, collective volume and proceedings of international and Greek conferences.